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Fuel Wallet Connectors offer a standardized interface to integrate multiple wallets with your DApps, simplifying wallet integration and ensuring smooth user interactions.

Fuel Connectors

Fuel Connectors are a set of standardized interfaces that provide a way to interact with various wallets and services. They offer a consistent way to interact with different wallets and services, allowing developers to focus on building their applications rather than worrying about wallet integration.

To build your own wallet integration, you can create a custom connector that extends the abstract FuelConnector class. This interface provides a set of methods and events that allow you to interact with the wallet and handle various operations such as connecting, disconnecting, signing messages, and sending transactions.

class MyWalletConnector extends FuelConnector
See code in context


The FuelConnector abstract class provides several properties that should be implemented to provide information about the connector.


The name property is simply a string on the connector that serves as an identifier and will be displayed to the end-user when selecting a connector.

name: string = 'My Wallet Connector';
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The external property is simply a boolean that indicates when a connector is external or not. Connectors are considered external, or non-native, when they do not support the Fuel Network (e.g. Solana, WalletConnect).


The metadata property on the connector provides additional information about the connector. This information will be displayed to the end-user when selecting a connector. The following is the structure of the metadata object:

export type ConnectorMetadata = {
    | string
    | {
        light: string;
        dark: string;
  install: {
    action: string;
    link: string;
    description: string;
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The metadata.install property (required) is used to provide information about how to install the connector.

The install object requires three properties:

  • action (required) - a string that will contain an action string that will be displayed to the user (e.g. "Install").

  • link (required) - a string that will contain a URL that will be opened when the user clicks the action.

  • description (required) - a string that will contain a description of the installation process.

install: {
  action: 'Install',
  description: 'Install the My Wallet Connector',
  link: '',
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The metadata.image property (optional) provides an image that will be displayed to the end-user when selecting a connector. The image will be a URL to the image to be displayed (this can be an inline data URI, encoded in base64).

image: '',
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You can even define a light and dark theme for the image by providing an object with the light and dark keys (these will take a similar URI as above).

image: {
  light: '',
  dark: '',
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The FuelConnector class provides a number of events that enable developers to listen for changes in the connector state. As part of implementing a custom connector, you can emit these events to notify the consumer dApp of changes.


The accounts event is emitted every time a connector's accounts change. The event data is an array of string addresses available on the network.

const accounts: Array<string> = ['0x1234567890abcdef'];

this.emit(, accounts);
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The connectors event is emitted when the connectors are initialized. The event data is an array of FuelConnector objects available on the network.

const connectors: Array<FuelConnector> = [new MyWalletConnector()];

this.emit(, connectors);
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The currentConnector event is emitted every time the current connector changes. The event data is a FuelConnector object that is currently connected.

const currentConnector: FuelConnector = new MyWalletConnector();

this.emit(, currentConnector);
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The currentAccount event is emitted every time the current account changes. The event data is a string containing the current account address.

const currentAccount: string = '0x1234567890abcdef';

this.emit(, currentAccount);
See code in context


The connection event is emitted every time the connection status changes. The event data is a boolean value that is true if the connection is established and false otherwise.

const connection: boolean = true;

this.emit(, connection);
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The networks event is emitted every time the network changes. The event data will be a Network object containing the current network information.

import type { Network } from 'fuels';

const network: Network = {
  chainId: 1,
  url: '',

this.emit(, network);
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The currentNetwork event is emitted every time the current network changes. The event data will be a Network object containing the current network information.

import type { Network } from 'fuels';

const currentNetwork: Network = {
  chainId: 1,
  url: '',

this.emit(, currentNetwork);
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The assets event is emitted every time the assets change. The event data will be an array of Asset objects available on the network.

import type { Asset } from 'fuels';

const assets: Array<Asset> = [
    name: 'Ethereum',
    symbol: 'ETH',
    icon: '',
    networks: [
        type: 'ethereum',
        chainId: 11155111,
        decimals: 18,

this.emit(, assets);
See code in context


The abis event is emitted every time an ABI is added to a connector. The event data will be an array of FuelABI object.

import type { Asset } from 'fuels';

const assets: Array<Asset> = [
    name: 'Ethereum',
    symbol: 'ETH',
    icon: '',
    networks: [
        type: 'ethereum',
        chainId: 11155111,
        decimals: 18,

this.emit(, assets);
See code in context


The FuelConnector abstract class provides a number of methods that can be implemented to perform various functions. Not all the methods are required to be implemented; if you choose not to implement a given method, then just don't include it in your connector.


The ping method is used to check if the connector is available and connected.

It will return a promise that resolves to true if the connector is available and connected; otherwise, it will resolve to false.

ping(): Promise<boolean>;
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The version method is used to get the current supported version of the connector. It returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the app and network versions.

The returned version strings can be in a range of formats:

  • Caret Ranges (e.g. ^1.2.3)
  • Tilde Ranges (e.g. ~1.2.3)
  • Exact Versions (e.g. 1.2.3)
version(): Promise<Version>;
See code in context


The isConnected method informs if the connector is currently connected.

It will return a promise that resolves to true if the connector is established and currently connected; otherwise, it will return false.

isConnected(): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The connect method initiates the current connectors authorization flow if a connection has not already been made.

It will return a promise that resolves to true if the connection has been established successfully, or false if the user has rejected it.

connect(): Promise<boolean>;
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The disconnect method revokes the authorization of the current connector (provided by the connect methods).

It will return a promise that resolves to true if the disconnection is successful; otherwise, it will resolve to false.

connect(): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The accounts method should return a list of all the accounts for the current connection.

It returns a promise that resolves to an array of addresses, pointing to the accounts currently available on the network.

accounts(): Promise<Array<string>>;
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The currentAccount method will return the default account address if it's authorized with the connection.

It will return a promise to resolve the issue to an address, or if the account is not authorized for the connection, it will return null.

currentAccount(): Promise<string | null>;
See code in context


The signMessage method initiates the sign message flow for the current connection.

It requires two arguments:

  • address (string)
  • message (string)

Providing the message signing flow is successful, it will return the message signature (as a string).

signMessage(address: string, message: string): Promise<string>;
See code in context


The signTransaction method initiates the send transaction flow for the current connection.

It requires two arguments:

It will return the transaction signature (as a string) if it is successfully signed.

sendTransaction(address: string, transaction: TransactionRequestLike): Promise<string>;
See code in context


The assets method returns a list of all the assets available for the current connection.

It will return a promise that will resolve to an array of assets (see Asset) that are available on the network.

assets(): Promise<Array<Asset>>;
See code in context


The addAsset method adds asset metadata to the connector.

It requires a single argument:

It returns a promise that resolves to true if the asset is successfully added; otherwise, it resolves to false.

addAsset(asset: Asset): Promise<boolean>;
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The addAssets method adds multiple asset metadata to the connector.

It requires a single argument:

  • assets (an Array of Asset).

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the assets are successfully added; otherwise, resolves to false.

addAssets(assets: Array<Asset>): Promise<boolean>;
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The addNetwork method starts the add network flow for the current connection.

It requires a single argument:

  • networkUrl (string)

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the network is successfully added; otherwise, false.

It should throw an error if the network is not available or the network already exists.

addNetwork(networkUrl: string): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The networks method returns a list of all the networks available for the current connection.

Returns a promise that resolves to an array of available networks (see Network).

networks(): Promise<Array<Network>>;
See code in context


The currentNetwork method will return the current network that is connected.

It will return a promise that will resolve to the current network (see Network).

currentNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
See code in context


The selectNetwork method requests the user to select a network for the current connection.

It requires a single argument:

You call this method with either the providerUrl or chainId to select the network.

It will return a promise that resolves to true if the network is successfully selected; otherwise, it will return false.

It should throw an error if the network is not available or the network does not exist.

selectNetwork(network: SelectNetworkArguments): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The addABI method adds ABI information about a contract to the connector. This operation does not require an authorized connection.

It requires two arguments:

It will return a promise that will resolve to true if the ABI is successfully added; otherwise false.

addABI(contractId: string, abi: FuelABI): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The getABI method is used to get the ABI information that is sorted about a contract.

It requires a single argument:

  • contractId (string)

Returns a promise that resolves to the ABI information (as a FuelABI) or null if the data is unavailable.

getABI(contractId: string): Promise<FuelABI | null>;
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The hasABI method checks if the ABI information is available for a contract.

It requires a single argument:

  • contractId (string)

Returns a promise that resolves to true if the ABI information is available; otherwise false.

hasABI(contractId: string): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context

Connectors Manager

The TS SDK exports the Fuel class, which serves as the connectors manager. This class provides the interface for interacting with the TS SDK and the broader Fuel ecosystem.

It can be instantiated as follows:

import { Fuel } from 'fuels';

const sdk = new Fuel();

  Awaits for initialization to mitigate potential race conditions
  derived from the async nature of instantiating a connector.
await sdk.init();
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We recommend initializing the Fuel class with the init method to avoid any potential race conditions that may arise from the async nature of instantiating a connector.


Several options can be passed to the Fuel connector manager:


The connectors option provides a list of connectors with which the Fuel connector manager can interact. The manager interacts with the connectors, which in turn handle communication with the respective wallet. You can find a list of all the connectors in our FuelLabs/fuel-connectors.

Below, we initialize the manager using the defaultConnectors method which provides an array of all the default connectors available in the fuel-connectors package. Supplying the devMode flag as true will enable the development wallet for the connectors (to install visit our wallet documentation).

import { Fuel } from 'fuels';
import { defaultConnectors } from '@fuels/connectors';

const sdk = await new Fuel({
  connectors: defaultConnectors({
    devMode: true,
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The storage is used internally to store the current connector state. It can be overridden by passing an instance that extends the StorageAbstract class.

import { Fuel, MemoryStorage } from 'fuels';

const sdk = await new Fuel({
  storage: new MemoryStorage(),
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The default behavior will use LocalStorage if the window is available:

import { Fuel, LocalStorage } from 'fuels';

const sdk = await new Fuel({
  storage: new LocalStorage(window.localStorage),
See code in context


The targetObject provides a target with which the Fuel manager can interact. Used for registering events and can be overridden as follows:

import { Fuel } from 'fuels';
import type { TargetObject } from 'fuels';

const targetObject: TargetObject = window || document;

const sdk = await new Fuel({
See code in context


The Fuel manager provides several methods to interact with the Manager:

All methods from connectors

The Fuel manager provides all the methods available from the connected connectors. Thus, you can interact with the current connector as if you were interacting with the Fuel manager directly.

If no current connector is available or connected, it will throw an error.


The connectors method gets the current list of installed and connected connectors.

connectors: () => Promise<Array<FuelConnector>>;
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The getConnector method resolves a connector by its name. This is useful for finding a specific connector with which to interact. If the connector is not found, it will return null.

getConnector: (connector: FuelConnector | string) => FuelConnector | null;
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The hasConnector method will return true under the following conditions:

  • There is a current connector that is connected.
  • A connector is connected within two seconds of calling the method.
hasConnector(): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The selectConnector method accepts a connector name and will return true when it is available and connected. Otherwise, if not found or unavailable, it will return false.

selectConnector(connectorName: string, options: FuelConnectorSelectOptions): Promise<boolean>;
See code in context


The currentConnector method will return the current connector that is connected or if one is available and connected, otherwise it'll return null or undefined.

currentConnector(): FuelConnector | null | undefined;
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The getWallet method accepts an address (string or instance) as the first parameter and a provider or network as the second parameter. It will return an Account instance for the given address (providing it is valid).

The provider or network will default to the current network if not provided. When a provider cannot be resolved, it will throw an INVALID_PROVIDER error.

  address: string | AbstractAddress,
  providerOrNetwork?: Provider | Network
): Promise<Account>;
See code in context


The clean method removes all the data currently stored in the storage instance.

clean(): Promise<void>;
See code in context


The unsubscribe method removes all currently registered event listeners.

unsubscribe(): void;
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The destroy method unsubscribes from all the event listeners and clears the storage.

destroy(): Promise<void>;
See code in context

Learning Resources

For a deeper understanding of Fuel Connectors and how to start using them in your projects, consider the following resources: